Why Women Rock


   Rock.  A word over 50 years ago that was used to describe an emerging expression in music that went on to twist, sway, dance, shuffle and jive, it's way into the American lexicon.  Everyone has been touched by it in one form or another.  It's been labeled soft and hard, metal and punk, but through the years it's managed to produce huge, memorable artists and songs we just can't forget.  It's also a term that has taken on new meaning perhaps when used to describe how one feels over the new Beyoncé or maybe Pearl Jam. Question is, does one have to actually rock to rock?
Loretta Lynn

   In the music world for me to tell you what I think rocks could completely contradict what you feel, but being the diplomat you are, you generally let me express myself and share all the reasons why I love this song or that singer, how I'd see them live time and time again and why the are so vital to my world. Such has been the case with much of my family and friends.  I tend to be a very loyal fan and you don't have to sell a million records to win my following; however that's probably how I heard you in the first place.

   In return for your attentive ear, you share with me what rocks your world as well. In the end we are introduced to a new sound that just might become a favorite. That's what is so satisfying about music and friendship.  A song plays and it makes me think of you or vice versa.  Identifying with a song is a sure way to remember someone special or moments in time we'd like to re-live.   It's a certain magic that is born out of someone who simply wrote about what we all live through.

   So for the purpose of this blog, I wanted to share what I feel rocks about the women of music.  Why the women?  I can get into all sorts of reasons why.  In short, I have always been drawn to their perspectives and the seemingly uphill job they had to become successful.  I was born at a time when many more women were coming into their own and it was reflected in the music of the day.  In truth I have to thank my Father because it was he who first pulled me aside and asked me to listen to a voice on the radio. It was a voice so distinctively clear, so pointed and opinionated, and at the same time so vulnerable.  I'll cover that more on the bios.

   Anyway, I guess we are all here for the same reason: to celebrate music and in particular the women who rock, no matter the genre, no matter the age and no matter the amount of Grammys adorning their shelf.   I hope you enjoy reading about some of my favorites and maybe learn something new about one of yours. 

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