Saturday, April 5, 2014

CHERing the Love in the Nation's Capital

It occurs to me that my recent blogging has been a little heavy on the Cher.  I tend to stay focused onone thing at a time and forget there's more to talk about and a lot of great music to dig into, but posting a review of Cher's "Dressed To Kill" how, (April 4 @Verizon Center, DC), will help purge her from my system and I'll be able to go on with my life outside her world. Or not.

(photo above: Cher live in DC  courtesy of R Esche)

Walking into the venue with friends, we could feel the anticipation as thousands of us gathered for what is now being called Cher's 'Farewell, Farewell Tour' but regardless of what they call it, they can never call it "dull." With expectations high, Cher had her work cut out for her and she nailed it.

Everything you would expect from Cher was on stage and for a nearly an hour and a half: the songs, the outfits, the dancing men! The crowd, as diverse and adoring as only someone who's career spans 50 years could be, was on their feet pounding fists and cheering every time another favorite 'Cher song' began.
I was caught up watching Moms, Dads and their Moms and Dads dancing side by side with their kids as Cher turned back her time in the spotlight.  Through it all interjecting interesting stories of life on the road, broken nails and soda pop.  No matter how deep or shallow the conversation, she held us all in the palm of her hand and we loved it.
To open the show, a familiar voice to my GenXrs rang out as the lights went down, "we're running with the shadows of the night, so baby take my hand it will be alright..' Instantly I was taken back a couple decades when Pat Benatar was selling out arenas and stacking up the Grammys. Though she dropped the spandex and sexy persona years ago, she brought her husband, Neil Geraldo further into the spotlight and kept her voice in tact and delivered a solid set of rock and pop gems.

Opening for Cher seemed like cake walk for Benatar who brought her own brand and classic song catalogue along.  D2K also kicks off Benatar and Giraldo's 35th year in music and they will be on the road all summer.  This would be a great one to catch once they fulfill their Cher duties as Cyndi Lauper opens the show in Brooklyn next week!


There is not much to be said about Cher that hasn't been said.  All I will add is that if after 50 years if we didn't want her around anymore, we would have said, "Farewell" a long time ago. However if last night is any indication, we haven't seen the last of her and this fan couldn't be happier about that.  Our world wouldn't be the same without her.

D2K keeps moving across the US.  Click here for upcoming dates.

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